Beginning in August 2021, the Upper Room Youth Center has opened the door for our youth to have free access to tutoring & mentoring, life & culinary skills, fields trips, community service, social and emotional learning, unique opportunities, and so much more. Designed with a daily safe check in/out system, snacks, tutoring, and activities provided to insure all URYC youth needs are met. Our mission is to positively impact the course of our youth's lives, improve mental and emotional well-being, and to give them tools to grow and succeed. With a welcoming smile and a safe positive environment, we personally invite your child to join the URYC family! "To offer a safe structured environment for public or homeschooled middle and high school students while building relationships, life skills, and a foundation for success."
The Upper Room Youth Center is a free program for Delphi middle & high school students, public and homeschooled. If you would like your child to attend please fill out the application below with your child and submit it by email or mail. We are so excited for your child's opportunity to be apart of this impactful program and their future to be impacted in a positive way. Questions? Please contact us!